Buy "Trust Agents" from Chris Brogan and Julien Smith...
August 21, 2009

I was going to write all that.
I've been (and continue to be) a wee bit busy... Shel already wrote an excellent piece about how PR and marketing folks have a critical role in building trust... and well... here we are at the end of the week.
So let's keep it simple...
Buy "Trust Agents"!
I'll note that I'm doing something here that I don't think I've ever done in the 9.5 years I've been blogging... recommending a book without reading it. That's new for me. But this is probably one of the rare exceptions I'll make... you see, Chris is an excellent writer. He's a storyteller. He's an explainer... an evangelist... and a friend from years back.
I've also had friends who have read it tell me that it's good. I trust them. :-)
My copy purchased from Amazon is in the mail... I'm looking forward to reading it...
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