Congrats to Terry Fallis on "The Best Laid Plans" being published!
September 07, 2007
Congratulations to Terry Fallis on the publishing of his novel, The Best Laid Plans! He also notes that the book is now available on!
For those who haven't been following Terry's work, he started podcasting his book out chapter by chapter back in January (scroll to the bottom to see how it began). Each week (all the way up through May) , we tuned in to hear the latest wacky exploits of Daniel, Angus, Muriel, Lindsay and the two punk-rock campaign workers named Pete. Even if you didn't understand all the nuances of Canadian politics, it was a fun story to listen to and you definitely found yourself cheering on Angus and Daniel all the way up to the finale when Angus......... well, I can't really give that away, can I? You have to listen yourself - or now you can buy the book!
Starting in March, Terry began taking us along on his journey into self-publishing, and it was interesting to read over the months how that has all gone. In the era of and other online bookstores, self-publishing sites like and have gone far to disrupt the traditional gatekeepers of the traditional publishing business - and also done much to remove the stigma traditionally associated with self-publishing (what used to be called (and probably still is) "vanity publishing"). It's definitely a fascinating dynamic and one that I'm certainly considering for some ideas of my own. Sure, you don't necessarily wind up in bricks-and-mortar bookstores as you would with a traditional bookstore... but in the online era, does that matter? (or does that matter as much?)
Anyway, congrats to Terry and it's great to see it finally out. I look forward to seeing a copy myself.
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