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Heading to Boston for PodCamp Boston 2.... but first a little Curling...

200710261659I am finally about to get in my car and head down to Boston. It's about a 4 hour drive and in the end I'll be checking into the Westin hotel adjacent to the BCEC where PodCamp Boston is being held tomorrow and Sunday. I'll be at the Social Media Breakfast tomorrow morning at 7am in the Westin, I'll be at the Podcamp party at the other hotel tomorrow night... and I'm giving a presentation first thing Sunday morning (9am) on recording podcasts using VoIP/Skype. I'll also be there for the rest of the day Sunday.

However, I won't be there during the day on Saturday due to another passion of mine. Instead, I'll be over at The Country Club where I be in a training session all day to be certified as a Level 1 Curling Instructor by the USA Curling Association. You may or may not know that I got bitten badly by the curling bug while living in Ottawa for 5 years and have been involved to a degree in helping with the efforts of the Green Mountain Curling Club to get the sport of curling going in the state of Vermont. Having a passion for teaching (of all subjects) I have wanted for some time to get certified as an instructor so that I could help teach clinics for the GMCC. Unfortunately the only date in the northeastern US for an instructor clinic that lined up with my schedule was tomorrow. (And I actually signed up for it back before PodCamp Boston planning had really gotten underway.)

So that's where you'll find me tomorrow... starting out talking about social media and podcasting... then throwing rocks at houses... then back in the social media world!

Right now, I'm heading out on the road... Good news is that I've got a couple of episodes of FIR queued up that will keep me going for most of the trip.

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