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"For Immediate Release" launches discussion forums... come join the conversation!

fir_100x100.gifIn getting caught up on some listening to "For Immediate Release", I noted that back at the beginning of the month, Shel & Neville launched the "FIR Forum" as a way to encourage conversations among FIR listeners. They tried this first with the discussion forums over on a Facebook Group, but, like most Facebook Groups I've seen, those forums hardly ever got used. So now they are trying it with what seems to be directly-hosted forum software. It's not behind any walls... anyone can read the posts *without* registration. Anyone can register and join in the conversation. We'll see how it goes!

If you are interested in issues around PR, communications and social media, please do head on over and check it out. Stick around, if you like, and please do join in to the conversation!

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