The Decline in Formality: Where have all the neckties gone?
A special 10-year anniversary - and the awesome power of "beginning" something

FIR Listener Contest underway - make a video, get a conference pass!

Would you like to go to the Web 2.0 Expo Europe in Berlin in October? Or a conference about online video in Los Angeles in November?

If so, simply send in a video to the For Immediate Release Listener Contest and you'll be entered to win! Shel and Neville are holding this contest and giving away these conference passes. (Note: It's the conference pass only - no travel or hotel.)

It's simple to enter... just "create a video that conveys a thought, a concept, an idea in an imaginative way". Upload it to one of the zillion video sites out there and send the URL in to FIR. That's it!

More info is on the FIR contest page... let's see what you can do!

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