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One single picture that shows why I want Google Chrome on Mac OS X...

Why can't I wait for the Mac OS X version of Google Chrome? After tweeting that today, someone asked me again. Here is a very simple picture that shows WHY I want Chrome on Mac OS X:

Yep, there is good old Firefox jacking both my CPUs to close to 100%.

Funny thing is that it wasn't even a large browsing session for me. The session manager plugin I'm now using says that I had 3 windows with 59 tabs.

Yet somewhere on one of those tabs was some kind of screwed up web page that was jacking my CPU up. Perhaps it was a Flash object. Perhaps some kind of multimedia content. Perhaps just lousy design. But the problem is that I can't find that tab easily.

Enter Google Chrome. I want that Process Manager to see which of the many tabs is killing my performance. (And then I want to kill that tab!) I'm looking forward to it!

P.S. And yes, I have indeed tried the Stainless browser for Mac OS X, which implements multi-process browsing like Chrome. It's nice and seems to work well, but it (like Chrome apparently) is still very much a work-in-progress. I'll keep watching it, though, and trying it out from time to time. Perhaps if Chrome continues to take forever and if Firefox keeps sucking up all my CPU from time-to-time... perhaps then I *will* move to Stainless...

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