Is "family identity" dead? (In a communications form)
Getting back into blogging after a brief break... to get new life with WordPress/Automattic team those of us who have been around blogging for a while (crossing over the 9-year-mark myself in a few weeks), was a site we all knew not only as a very creative domain name but also as one of the earliest "ping servers". (Courtesy of today's announcement, I learned of this great post that gives some of the early history of ping servers and services.)

Then was purchased in 2005 and nothing much seemed to be done with it. Other ping services emerged. Many of us just started using Ping-o-matic rather than trying to keep up with all the various services. And over time didn't seem to get any mentions anywhere, really.

So today it was rather cool to learn that Yahoo is transferring over to Automattic for "safekeeping and further development". Automattic, if you aren't aware, are the folks behind the hugely successful WordPress blogging platform/software, as well as the Akismet blog comment anti-spam service and other tools.

It's great that Yahoo did transfer the service and thus one of the older domains can live on. Now it will be interesting to see what Matt Mullenweg and the rest of the Automattic crew do with

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