My FIR Report - June 13, 2010 - How Apple's WWDC News Impacts Communicators
Great Photo of President Obama Tweeting Out of The Twitter Town Hall

When Did Facebook Add Notifications to the *Page* Sidebar? (Awesome feature!)

This = VERY cool!


I just visited several of the Facebook Pages where I am an admin today and noticed that in the right sidebar there is this "Notifications" drop-down menu... with the number of new notifications visible if there are any.

This is way better than the ability to "Use Facebook as a page" rolled out in the Facebook Page updates back in February (that I covered with a detailed walk-through). With that update, you could see notifications of new interaction with your page... but only if you switched to using Facebook "as the page".

Now... this "Notifications" menu is very nicely displayed on the page when you simply visit as yourself.

Nicely done, Facebook... as Page owners, we are now a huge distance where where we were (with no notifications whatsoever) last year.

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