Twitter as an outlet for "fiction"? Scott Sigler shows how it could be done with "the iPhone War"...
Reuters reports on Facebook and its growth, app platform (and the fact that its walled garden is a plus)

Congrats to "For Immediate Release" (FIR) for sponsorship by Ragan Communications!

I just have to post my congratulations to Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson for landing a sponsorship of FIR by Lawrence Ragan Communications!  As noted in their blog post and also in their social media news release, this is a long-term relationship that will both promote Ragan to FIR listeners and also promote FIR to the many Ragan customers.  (Shel and Neville also discuss this in today's FIR #255.)  As a weekly correspondent into FIR, I'm excited for Shel and Neville that they have both the financial backing and also the wider exposure within the communications industry.  I think it will only be a positive thing for the show and its listeners!  Congrats, Shel and Neville!
