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Joining Voxeo in part to put social media into action...

Over on my Disruptive Telephony blog, I posted about who my new employer is - Voxeo, and you can read the details over there. Here, though, I thought I'd just mention a couple of items.

First, one of the exciting aspects of my new role is that social media is an explicit part of my job description. It's not all I'll be doing... or even the primary thing I will be doing (although it will be one of the primary tasks initially)... but it will certainly be part of the role. Some of the work will be to set up external blogs and podcasts for Voxeo focused in a couple of different areas. More on that as it evolves. Other parts of the work will be to look at using social media behind the firewall for internal communication and capture/retention of corporate knowledge. It will be both fun and challenging and I'm looking forward to it.

Second, I think it's interesting to note how I wound up with the job. They found me through my blogging. They said in part that they found my blog through the post I wrote about how the phone no longer matters, which wound up getting some good distribution and links within the blogosphere. Once at my blog, they saw my posts about being let go from Mitel and the type of roles I was seeking... and it happened that they had been talking about bringing someone onboard to do those precise type of roles. They hadn't posted a job description but were considering this... and contacted me as a result of seeing my posts about being available. I haven't really distilled that all down into specific "lessons" yet, but it is interesting to me to see that the experiment of being very open in blogging about the whole employment transition did in fact work for me. There's also a lesson there about writing provocative posts that are done as deliberate link-bait to try to bring in readers to the blog. It all seemed to work... at least this time. It was definitely an interesting experiment.

In any event, that's the story. Again, you can read more about my new employer over on my Disruptive Telephony blog.

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