Ending the year as I began it... introducing a new blog! (This time, "Behind The Blog" from Voxeo)
December 31, 2007

To a large degree, the point of the site is to help others who want to create blog portals using WordPress MU - hopefully they can learn from what we've gone through and not necessarily suffer some of the pain that we did. If you are considering running a blog portal on WordPress MU, feel free to join us as we explore the world of running a corporate blog portal using WordPress MU. If you use a feed reader, you can subscribe to the direct feed for the blog or simply get new posts as part of the "all Voxeo blogs" feed. (Behind The Blog posts also appear in our new Twitter feed.)
I'm delighted to bring out this new blog... and am very definitely looking forward to more blogging and podcasting in 2008!
Happy New Year to you all!
Technorati Tags: voxeo, wordpress mu, wpmu
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