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Squawk Box conf calls/podcasts this week - links and topics

squawkbox.jpgWith Alec Saunders away on vacation, I agreed to step in to host our daily "Squawk Box" conference calls this week and next. I'm working on lining up some interesting guests and in the meantime we'll also have our regular tech conversations that have always seemed to go well. (FYI, if you or someone you know would like to be a special guest either this week or next, please do let me know.) I'm particular excited about our show on Tuesday, July 1st, where we'll have author and researcher Jonathan Zittrain on our show. I've started reading his new book, "The Future of the Internet - And How to Stop It", and I have to say that so far it strikes at the core of what we've talked about frequently on the show... the move from "walled gardens" to open networks and now the frightening potential re-emergence of walled gardens and proprietary "lock-in" business models. More information about the book - and video of Jonathan Zittrain - can be found on: http://futureoftheinternet.org/ As has been the practice, here are the URLs for the shows this week - I'm looking forward to seeing many of you on the calls: MONDAY - JUNE 30th - Discussion of Microsoft after Bill Gates and Steve Gillmor's view on the subject, the end of sales of Windows XP, as well as Google's move to help academia move into cloud computing: http://apps.facebook.com/calliflower/conf/show/34158 TUESDAY - JULY 1st - Jonathan Zittrain interview: http://apps.facebook.com/calliflower/conf/show/32045 WEDNESDAY - JULY 2nd: http://apps.facebook.com/calliflower/conf/show/34159 THURSDAY - JULY 3rd: http://apps.facebook.com/calliflower/conf/show/34160 FRIDAY - JULY 4th - There will be no call. I look forward to seeing many of you on the calls this week. NOTE: The calls will be posted over on Alec's Saunderslog.com although right now I seem to be having problems connecting to the site. Hopefully that is just a temporary issue...

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