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Anyone recommend WordPress hosting providers that give out IPv6 addresses?

NewImage.jpgCan anyone recommend affordable hosting providers for WordPress that currently provide IPv6 addresses?

As I've written about before, I'm working on moving all my sites from TypePad over to WordPress and am currently evaluating several hosting providers. One new criteria I added to my list recently is this:

I would like my blogs to be available over IPv6.

Why? Simple. I tend to write across my various blogs on "emerging technology" issues. Much of the audience for my writing are the "early adopters" who are working with new technology, new toys... and generally working on the bleeding edge of communication.

As some of those folks (myself included) either move their networks to IPv6 or at least experiment with IPv6, I would like my sites to be natively accessible over IPv6 like many other sites are now available including Google, CNN, Facebook and more. Call me silly, but when I'm doing IPv6 testing, I'd like to be able to get to my own sites without going through a IPv6-to-IPv4 converter.

I also want to do this move once, because it's going to be a big enough pain-in-the-neck as it is, between the initial migration from TypePad and then pointing all the domains over, mapping them, etc.

I'm currently testing out Bluehost and in talking to their support team, they are looking to have some IPv6 options available next year... but I: 1) don't want to wait; and 2) want to be sure IPv6 addresses will be available. A2 Hosting offers IPv6 addresses, but only for their more expensive dedicated hosting offerings. I'm looking for someone who can provide more of a web hosting or Virtual Private Server (VPS) offering with IPv6.


SixXS offers a great list of hosting providers offering IPv6 and some of those look quite interesting... I just don't personally know anyone hosting on them.

There is, of course, one of the strong proponents of IPv6, Hurricane Electric, who offer a traditional web hosting offering... which might be okay, although I admit that I'm more partial to a system that gives me ssh access with ideally full root access. I can get that root access - and IPv6 - over at someone like RapidXen that goes to the other extreme and just gives you bare bones hosting, i.e. here's your server, here's your command line... have fun. (Which I can be fine with, although I'm not overly interested in being responsible for all the system admin of my system.)

So... with all that, anyone out there have recommendations for hosting providers where I can run WordPress with IPv6? (thanks in advance)

P.S. And yes, it's not 100% clear to me if WordPress plays well with IPv6, but then again, I know some people are doing it!

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