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Great Content Matters! - The Atlantic on the Unknown Blogger Who Helped Explain WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks.jpgThe Atlantic has a great story out on "The Unknown Blogger Who Changed WikiLeaks Coverage". The Atlantic's article is a profile of Aaron Bady and his lengthy piece, 'Julian Assange and the Computer Conspiracy; "To destroy this invisible government"', that did do much in explaining the underlying motivation of Julian Assange.

I remember reading Bady's piece back in the midst of everything going on and viewing it as one of the more intellectual and useful analyses of the underlying thinking behind WikiLeaks. Like I'm sure most readers, I had no clue who was behind the actual article - nor did I take the time right then to go learn more about who he was.

Given that the Atlantic piece is rather short, I won't steal their thunder and leave it to you all to read more. But I will quote this one bit:

And we should all be thankful that good writing can be recognized and quickly disseminated.

That is indeed the beauty of this new world we are in... anyone can publish their thoughts online, without the gatekeepers of the traditional media.... and maybe, just maybe, they, too, can wind up having the global impact that this one "unknown blogger" had.

Kudos to the Atlantic for getting the rest of the story.

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