Coming Soon From Jay Baer
September 05, 2014
Jay Baer is the force behind the site and said last month on Google+ only this:
Soon, I am launching the search engine for podcasts about all things marketing and communications.
One of our key features will be podcast reviews (like Pitchfork, for you indie music geeks).
As readers probably know, I am a weekly contributor to the For Immediate Release (FIR) podcast that focuses on the intersection of social media and public relations, business and marketing. I am a huge fan of audio podcasting, and FIR is just one of the podcasts to which I contribute. I also enjoy listening to podcasts... and so I'll be intrigued to see what Jay surfaces through this new site.
Right now you can just provide your email address to be notified when the site goes live. We'll see, hopefully soon, what it is all about!
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