LinkedIn's Brilliant PR Move - The "Personal" Letter To Its First Million Members
March 25, 2011

The genius here was including our actual member number (which turns out to be the ID number in your LinkedIn URL). Mine is 199,110 ... which when you realize that there are now 100,000,000+ members means that I was indeed among the earlier folks using LinkedIn.
And... like the sheep we so often are in the early adopter set... my first reaction was to go tweet about it.
At which point I noticed a zillion other people tweeting about it...
Absolutely brilliant.
Some folks just tweeted how cool it was:
While others tweeted about being an early adopter:
And others did note the mass e-mail side of it:
My favorite was perhaps this one...
and this witty tweet...
My own tweet, then, was one of amusement more than anything else.
Brilliantly done, LinkedIn ... you played us so extremely well. Appealing to our pride in being early adopters. You had to know we would tweet that out. And of course, we did. (And some of us even wrote blog posts about it.)
Well done.
P.S. Congrats, by the way, on hitting 100 million users.
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